Welcoming HOME

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Easter Candy floral arrangement

Everyone loves Easter candy and flowers so let's put them together.

This is a very simple DIY floral arrangement, which that is my kind of decorating!  It's like paint by numbers, but you can add your own colors if you want too.  

You'll need a vase or any clear container.  A small glass of some kind.  It could be a leftover pickles jar, spaghetti jar, something that will be small enough to hide within the vase. A few bags of Easter candy. I used regular and mini Whopper Robin eggs. I'm sure you can use anything else that's small like jelly beans or m&m's.  Here's where you get to start mixing your paint colors. Lastly, the most important piece are some flowers. They can be real or fake, whatever you choose will be lovely.

First step take your class or container and insert into the vase. Make sure it's centered.

Ok this is the tough step, for two reasons.  While your opening the bag of candy you're going to want to eat them.  If your watching your calories then it might be easier to buy candy that's not tempting. Trust me you will be seeing this arrangement enticing you everyday.  That's why I went with Whoppers.  I can pass them up. 

As you pour the candy into the vase try not to get it in the middle glass.  If you do, no problem just dig it out.

Last step to our arrangement is to insert the flowers of your choice.  

Didn't I say this was simple. 3 steps and your done!  

Thanks for stopping by, please let me know in the comments below what you think and if you too will be doing this arrangement for Spring. Don't forget you can find me on instagram @welcominghome and facebook @welcominghome1  for more decor inspiration.

~making things around us beautiful~